Applying for travel grant

To apply for travel grant, You’ll need to fill in the application form below. You’ll also need to attach the following files for review.

  • If you’re applying for round trip funding: Proof of expense estimation such as travel pricing searches or invoice if you already booked one.
  • If you’re applying for accommodation and need to book one by yourself: Proof of expense estimation such as travel pricing searches or invoices if you already booked one.
# Profile
## Name(Full name as stated in your passport or national ID)

## Affiliation
(If you have any, Example are community affiliation such as Ubuntu LoCo Council, Debian Projects, your work affiliation or other affiliation)

## Participation type
Please choose one of: Keynote/Talk/Workshop speaker, Organizing committee, Attendee

## Are you an Ubuntu Member?
Please choose one of: Yes, No

## Your profile link

## Your GitHub profile link

## Detailed description of your contribution to this year's UbuCon Asia

## What are your contributions to the Ubuntu project or Ubuntu Community?

## What are your activity plans before, during and after UbuCon Asia?

## Are there anything you would like to achieve through this year's UbuCon Asia?

# Travel grant for round trip
## Do you need travel grant for round trip?
Enter Yes or No: 
## Type of transportation (such as Flight, Train, Ferry, Express Bus or other)

## Your travel itinerary
(e.g. Arrival: In HAN from ICN on August 30th, Departure: From HAN to ICN on September 3rd)

## Estimated total expense in USD

## Please attach proof for the estimated amount above (Such as travel pricing searches, Or an Inoice if you already booked one)
What is the name of the file you've attached?: 

## Level of needs for round trip funding
Please enter a number from the list below:
1. Without this travel grant, I will never be able to attend this event in-person. 
2. Without this travel grant, I will have to make financial sacrifices to attend in-person. 
3. Without this travel grant, It will be inconvenient for me, But no problem to attend. 
4. I will be still able to join without this travel grant, As I can raise travel funding in other ways.

# Travel grant for accommodation
## Do you need a travel grant for accommodation?
Enter Yes or No: 

## Your check-in and check-out schedule
(e.g. Check-in at Aug 30, Check-out at Sep 3)

## In case you'll need to book accommodation by yourself, Enter the estimated total expense in USD

## In case you'll need to book accommodation by yourself, Please attach proof for the estimated amount above
(Such as travel pricing searches, Or an Inoice if you already booked one)
What is the name of the file you've attached?: 

## Level of needs for accommodation support
Please enter a number from the list below:
1. Without this travel grant, I will never be able to attend this event in-person. 
2. Without this travel grant, I will have to make financial sacrifices to attend in-person. 
3. Without this travel grant, It will be inconvenient for me, But no problem to attend. 
4. I will be still able to join without this travel grant, As I can raise travel funding in other ways.

# Any comments or questions to the committee?

Once the application is prepared, please submit it by filing a bug on Launchpad. You may start filing a bug by clicking a link here.

  • For Summary field, enter [Travel grant - UbuCon Asia <Year>] - <Your name>. (e.g. [Travel grant - UbuCon Asia 2024] - John Doe)
  • For Further information field, copy and paste the full application text you have prepared before.
  • For This bug contains information that is: option, Make sure to choose Private
  • To add an attachment, Click Extra options. Then choose a file to attach. Unfortunately, Launchpad seem to support only single attachment for each post(a bug description or a comment on bug). To attach multiple attachments, you may add multiple comments with files attached.You can also attach multiple files one by one after the initial submission from the bugs page of by clicking add attachment or patch link.

Once you submit your application by filing a bug, The committee will check and review your application. Committee staff may leave comments to ask questions about your application or to provide updates on your application. The committee will also provide review result (either approved or rejected) by leaving a comment. While leaving comments does give you some email notifications, you’ll still need to follow up on such notifications and updates.

This page was updated at 2024-10-05T03:24:42.265Z. Improve this document on Discourse.